Precision-engineered portfolios that produce predictable, repeatable results. PortfolioMetrix has developed innovative, multi-dimensional and flexible investment methods that advisers can tailor according to the individual needs of their clients.
Harnessing the power of diversification and specialisation, while controlling for risk and cost.
Solutions that take client needs and preferences into account.
At PortfolioMetrix we believe in building portfolios around needs, not wealth. We question the suitability of one size fits all solutions and believe the best client customers require close integration of the advice process and investment management. Using our WealthExplorer™ technology, advisers can fine-tune portfolios for individual clients on a scalable basis. PortfolioMetrix portfolios are accessible via bespoke mandates, model portfolios and unit trust.
Across portfolios, PortfolioMetrix focuses on asset allocation to carefully control risk exposure while seeking the highest possible total return for each unit of risk. Diversification, across asset classes, funds, styles, factors, sectors, currencies and underlying security holdings is also paramount.
Our stress-tested optimisation models produce coherent and intuitive asset allocations across the risk spectrum in multiple currencies, while consistently incorporating economic views.
We apply both quantitative and qualitative techniques to identify best-of-breed manager, with the processes, capacity and skill to manage risk and enhance returns through the cycle.
We isolate and control for marginal contribution to risk and return, including factor and style exposures, and blend passive with active exposures where appropriate.
We monitor portfolios against their risk objectives, applying disciplined rebalancing to ensure mandate consistency and to enhance returns over time.
The performance of risk-profiled portfolios must be coherent, and the investor journey matters. We want to help advisers avoid awkward discussions with clients about performance, which can displace other important conversations.
"We have experts looking at the fund management choice, the asset allocation... Everything to do with the investment is being monitored the whole time, and we as advisers just wouldn't have the time to do that"
- Robert Hunt, Chevening Financial