Across portfolios, PortfolioMetrix focuses on asset allocation to carefully control risk exposure while seeking the highest possible total return for each unit of risk. Diversification, across asset classes, funds, styles, factors, sectors, currencies and underlying security holdings is also paramount
Asset Allocation
PortfolioMetrix Select MPS is a range of 7 risk-controlled model portfolios, run according to PortfolioMetrix’s Core approach
PortfolioMetrix offers both active and passive multi-asset funds, managed on a discretionary basis, designed to meet the specific needs and objectives of the end client
For eligible advice firms, PortfolioMetrix will create a risk-rated range of models, branded in your adviser firm's name. They are shaped by your investment philosophy, aligned to your preferred risk profiler and available on your selected platform
These customised portfolios combine multiple underlying funds, owned directly on platform, blended together to meet the specific needs and objectives of the end client, all managed on a discretionary basis