Investment Management by Design

PortfolioMetrix has developed innovative and flexible investment methods that advisers can tailor according to the individual needs of their clients

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Multidimensional Investment Methods

PortfolioMetrix Investment Overview

Our ethos at PortfolioMetrix is 'investment management by design'. We create precision-engineered portfolios that produce predictable, repeatable results. Each investor is different, as are the advice businesses they have trusted with their money.  Our range of portfolios caters for the precise needs of advisers and the clients that they serve. The same investment expertise runs through every solution but can be implemented in the format that works best for your clients

Investment propositions built to exactly align with your clients' financial goals


Across portfolios, PortfolioMetrix focuses on asset allocation to carefully control risk exposure while seeking the highest possible total return for each unit of risk. Diversification, across asset classes, funds, styles, factors, sectors, currencies and underlying security holdings is also paramount



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Discretionary Powers


Asset Allocation

Our stress-tested optimisation models produce coherent and intuitive asset allocations across the risk spectrum 
Manager Selection
We apply quantitative and qualitative techniques to identify best-of-breed managers, with processes, capacity and skill to manage risk and enhance returns through cycles
Portfolio Construction
We isolate and control for marginal contribution to risk and return, including factor and style exposures, and blend passive with active exposures where appropriate


We monitor portfolios against their risk objectives, applying disciplined rebalancing to ensure mandate consistency and enhance
returns over time 

Model Portfolios 


PortfolioMetrix Select MPS is a range of 7 risk-controlled model portfolios, run according to PortfolioMetrix’s Core approach


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PortfolioMetrix offers both active and passive multi-asset funds, managed on a discretionary basis, designed to meet the specific needs and objectives of the end client


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For eligible advice firms, PortfolioMetrix will create a risk-rated range of models, branded in your adviser firm's name. They are shaped by your investment philosophy, aligned to your preferred risk profiler and available on your selected platform


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Bespoke Discretionary 


These customised portfolios combine multiple underlying funds, owned directly on platform, blended together to meet the specific needs and objectives of the end client, all managed on a discretionary basis


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