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Two award-winning CIFP firms choose PortfolioMetrix as investment management partner - PortfolioMetrix

Written by The PortfolioMetrix Team | Jun 7, 2020 10:00:00 PM

Two award-winning Chartered Independent Financial Planning (CIFP) firms have chosen PortfolioMetrix to be their investment management partner.

Formed in 2005, Cheltenham-based Ashlea Financial Planning, provides services to individuals across the Cotswolds and beyond. Winner of multiple Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments (CISI) awards, the firm prides itself on its transparent fee structure, enabling clients to fully understand exactly what they are paying for.

Nik Marsh, Director and Chartered Financial Planner at Ashlea comments: “As well as their impressive investment expertise, the PortfolioMetrix team focus on transparent charging. This aligns with our own approach and avoids the smoke and mirrors that some investment specialists use. We are also impressed with the high level of interaction we have with the investment team – having such a well-qualified group of people ‘on our team’ is something we value greatly.”

The second new signing is Themis, which became directly authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority in 2020. After 31 years in the profession, founder Kate Gannon, set up the firm to have full control of the proposition she offers to clients.

Recognised for her knowledge and professionalism throughout her career, Kate won the highest possible award for an individual adviser in 2016, being named as Chartered Financial Planner of the Year by the Personal Finance Society.

Kate is joined at Themis by Joy Roskilly, a qualified Financial Planner with 20 years’ experience who is also a qualified psychotherapist, bringing another dynamic to the practice.

Kate Gannon comments: “Joy and I are very proud to be part of the PortfolioMetrix extended family. The team’s knowledge and expertise, plus the comprehensive suite of tools they make available to us means we can provide our clients with a fully joined- up investment process that we can tailor to meet individual needs.”

Dave Chessell, Distribution Director at PortfolioMetrix comments: “It’s great to have two such prestigious financial planning firms choose to sign up to our proposition. By partnering with us, they can focus on the broader skills required for true financial planning, with the benefit of staying central to the investment offering, as it will be them, not us, who will have the direct relationships with their clients.”